What's New in Data Abstract 10 | RemObjects Software
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Whats New in Remoting SDK and Data Abstract 10

As of version 10, Remoting SDK and Data Abstract, ship as bi-weekly new builds incremental builds, rather than as monolithing big releses.

Please also check each build's change log for a detailed list of all fixes and enhancements.

New in Q1/2024

  • New "namespace" property in Schema, to control namespace for generated DA LINQ classes
  • New "Private" and "Ignored" flags on schema fields
  • Custom Data Abstract servers now optionally serve their schema to be retrieved by IDE tools, without requiring a custom login call to be hooked up.
  • New and more streamlined Json file format for Dynamic Where

  • New TRONetSuperHTTPChannel implementation for Delpgi XE8 and later

New in 2023

  • Support for .NET Core 8

  • New and more streamlined Json file format for Schemas (v2)

  • New and more streamlined Json file format for RODL files (v4)

  • Improved {ORDERBY} macro for DA

  • Support for NOT LIKE in DA SQL and Dynamic Where
  • Support for IIF in DA SQL
  • New Trim* macro functions
  • Support for new String and DateTime manipulation functions in OData
  • Support for generating Codegen from RODL filtered by group

  • Improved briefcase support in DA/Delphi

  • New DynamicWhere expressions support in Business Rules Scripting
  • Simplified Schema Command API (Delphi)
  • New Service Groups feature to group individual services and limit access (e.g. per channel)

  • New Binary Json (BSON) Message format

  • Improvements for support of self-signed TLS certificates (Delphi)

New in 2022

  • Support for .NET Core 7
  • Support for Visual Studio 2022 and .NET Core 6
  • Modulo operator (%) for DA SQL, DA LINQ, DynamicWhere & OData
  • Improved CORS Header support in RO/Delphi
  • Support for OpenSSL v3 in Remoting SDK for Delphi
  • Better support for non-admin users

New in 2021

  • Support for Delphi 11 and C++Builder 11
  • Support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview

  • Service Builder: WSDL import tool moved to to .NET 4+

  • Schema Modeler: General stability and performance improvements

Remoting SDK for Delphi

Data Abstract for Delphi

.NET Platform Support

  • Support for .NET 5 and later (.NET Core)
  • NuGet packages distribution for Remoting SDK and Data Abstract
  • Licensing approach update for .NET Core / .NET 5 and .NET Standard builds

Remoting SDK for .NET

Data Abstract for .NET

Remoting SDK for JavaScript

  • Bugfixes in the Binary Serializer related to Int64 and Decimal data types support

Remoting SDK and Data Abstract for Cocoa

  • Updates for Bitcode support
  • Big Sur style template and sample icons
  • Big Sur style app icons for Server Explorer and rodl2code

New in 2020

New in .1499, December 16, 2020 (Preview)

  • New DynamicWhere expressions
  • Extended TRIM syntax in DA SQL

New in .1493, November 4, 2020 (Preview)

New in .1491, October 27, 2020 (Stable)

  • Better Support for Hydra with RO SDK Services in CodeGen4 (Delphi)
  • Support for IPv6 in SuperTCP channel (Delphi)
  • Improved support for IPV6 in Indy-based client channels (Delphi)
  • Improve generation of RODL from CodeFirst services
  • Improved and simplified ApplicationServer/CertificateWatcher API (.NET)
  • ServerChannel API that allows to select network interfaces this ServerChannel listens to (.NET)
  • Support for additional dialects of WSDL in the WSDL to RODL import tool
  • Schema Modeler: Improvements in local database connection management
  • Schema Modeler:Improvements in Relativity Server connection management

New in .1489, September 10, 2020 (Stable)

  • Support NamedPipe protocol in .remoteRODL files
  • Proper support stStoredProcedure for tables (Delphi)
  • ApplicationServer: Updated external configuration providers support (.NET)
  • General stability and performance improvements in Olympia State Server
  • Added additional events that allow on-the-fly modification of Schema objects used in the request processing pipeline (.NET)
  • Simplified API for parametrized table access in DA LINQ (.NET)

New in .1485, July 15, 2020 (Stable)

  • Support for IIF statement in DA SQL
  • Support for IIF / ? expressions in DA LINQ (.NET)
  • Simplified Schema Command API
  • Asynchronous Schema Command call API (.NET)

New in .1481, June 11, 2020 (Stable)

  • Support for DA SQL in Delphi Servers
  • Support for Delphi 10.4 "Sydney"
  • New Lightweight Session Update mode in Olympia Server
  • Stability improvements for Olympia Server
  • ZeroConf information now includes TLS status
  • Service Builder now supports connecting to TLS and ZeroConf servers
  • Delphi: Indy channels have been updated to support TLS
  • New more granular ServiceUnknownMethodException

New in .1471, March 18, 2020 (Stable)

  • Focus on bug fixes and minor improvements

New in .1469, February 26, 2020 (Stable)

  • Improved WSDL Import tool
  • Added PostgreSQL support in Olympia Server
  • New .NET Core templates
  • Support for COALESCE and ISNULL in DA SQL
  • Support for coalesce and ?? in DA LINQ
  • Entire RO/DA Stack was switched to build on Elements/Ebuild
  • Delphi: ship sources for RemObjects.DataAbstract.Unmanaged.dll
  • Delphi: ship uDASchemaChecker.pas for custom schema validation

New in .1467, December 5, 2019 (Preview)

  • Support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 in Delphi

New in .1463, December 4, 2019

  • Updated for Delphi "Rio" 10.3.3
  • RO/.NET: Project templates for .NET Core
  • RO/.NET: Minor improvements in TLS stack
  • RO/Delphi: Support for CodeFirst .dll Servers
  • RO/Java: Timeout management in HTTP client channel

New in .1457, October 3, 2019

  • Schema Modeler performance and stability improvements
  • Statement Name support in Schema Modeler
  • New {TRIM()} macro
  • DA/.NET: DA SQL support for TRIM, LTRIM and RTRIM SQL functions
  • DA/.NET: Support for Trim, TrimStart TrimEnd functions in DA LINQ
  • DA/.NET: Support for DataSet-based DataAdaper in .NET Standard build
  • DA/.NET: ADO.NET DB drivers update
  • DA/Delphi: Retreive datatable schema command erases all clients events
  • RO/Delphi: SOAP: hexBinary support
  • RO/Delphi: Updated CodeFirst templates
  • RO/Delphi: New Project Wizard improvements for Advanced optiond

New in .1451, August 7, 2019

  • Support for UIKit for Mac

New in .1449, July 24, 2019

  • DA/.NET: Support for DatePart macro, and DATEPART function in DA SQL and DA LINQ
  • DA/Delphi: TDAMemDataset has been rearchitected for improved performance and better compatibility with the Delphi NEXTGEN compiler.
  • RO/Cocoa and DA/Cocoa ship as .xcframeworks
  • New option in rodl2code tool to override the output file name.

New in .1447, July 3, 2019

  • Remoting SDK for .NET: Internal connection multiplexing in TCP and HTTP channels.

New in .1445, June 19, 2019

  • Remoting SDK for Delphi: new native socket version of HTTP server.
  • Olympia Server now uses JSON configuration file format.
  • Olympia Server now restores active event subscriptions after restart.
  • Data Abstract for .NET now allows to set database connection timeout via connection string (using the ConnectionTimeout parameter).
  • Data Abstract for .NET now has optional custom SQL macro processing (via UnknownSqlMacroIdentifier event handler).

New in .1438, May 22, 2019

  • New TROSuperTcpServer and TROSuperTcpChannel built on pure native socket APIs in RO/Delphi

New in .1431, April 17, 2019

  • Support for Visual Studio 2019 in Remoting SDK and Data Abstract
  • New TROTCPServer and TROSuperHTTPServer built on pure native socket APIs in RO/Delphi

New in .1425, April 3, 2019

  • New unified "RemObjects SDK" installer SKU for all platforms

New in .1423, March 25, 2019 (First v10 Build)

  • Support for .NET Core, Clients and Servers
  • DA SQL:
    • Support for SELECT without FROM statements
    • Support for the WHEN..THEN..ELSE..END clause
    • Support for UNION and UNION ALL
  • Add DA LINQ support for .All and .Any expressions
  • Generic ComplexTypes in CodeFirst servers
  • RO/Delphi: Code-First attribute for ZeroConf
  • RO/Delphi: New Grijjy-based clients channels

Check out the complete change logs with each build, for more details.

See also what was new in Version 9.x and earlier…


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