What's New in Data Abstract 9 | RemObjects Software
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What's New in Data Abstract 9

Version 9 is a major new release for Data Abstract and – more importantly – its underlying Remoting SDK framework.

Find out what is new in the summary below – and as always, check out our detailed Change Logs for a complete list of all features, enhancements and bugfixes.

Brand New Remoting SDK 9

For this release, we really focused on revising and improving Remoting SDK, the network layer that underlies Data Abstract. RO9 is probably the most significant update we have shipped since the original release of RO back in 2002. And Data Abstract applications benefit greatly from all these improvements – from Code-First to improved new SSL support; from new IDE integrations to new CodeGen.

See the full list of What's New in Remoting SDK.

Full Swift Support

Data Abstract 9 adds full support connecting to your data from Swift applications – be it for Mac, iOS, watchOS or tvOS. The libraries have been enhanced for better interoperability with Swift, annotated for nullability, and ship as ready-to-use .frameworks for all four Cocoa platforms.

Build Clients (and Servers) for all Platforms on your Mac

With its deep integration with Fire, our new development environment for Mac, you can now build clients for all platforms right from the comfort of your Mac, using Swift, C# or Oxygene. This includes Cocoa apps, but also Java/Android and .NET.

Of course you can also work on your custom .NET-based Data Abstract servers in Fire, as well.

Read More about Fire, or browse the Remoting SDK and Data Abstract Docs on Fire.

If you use Swift, the compiler and Fire IDE are completely free (as is our Swift support in Visual Studio).

Improved SSL & TSL Support in Relativity

Relativity also gains new support for easily setting up HTTPS and TLS to secure your clients' communication with it. Whether you are using auto-generated, self-signed, or bought certificates, it's now as simple as setting a couple of properties to have a secure connection.

Read more in the Docs.

Build watchOS Apps

Data Abstract 9 adds full support for accessing your data from Apple Watch apps, making it easier than ever to give your users access to network-driven information right on the wrist of their hands.

Build tvOS Apps

Similarly, you can now use Data Abstract client functionality in your tvOS apps to bring your data alive on the big living room screen with Apple TV.

Both watchOS and tvOS client libraries are using the same codebase as the existing iOS and OS X libraries, so sharing client code across all four Apple platforms is really easy.

See also what was new in Version 8.3 and prior.


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