Platforms: Embedded & IoT | RemObjects Software
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The world of small devices is getting bigger, and Elements is the ideal development solutions for embedded and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, giving you several target options.

Also check out our Blog post Elements for IoT and Embedded.

Embedded Linux

Probably the biggest modern target platform for embedded development is Linux, and Elements has you fully covered with writing efficient high performance native Linux apps, services and dæmons, not only for Intel x86_64 but also for ARM CPUs. This has you covered from entry-level devices such as the Raspberry PI to custom hardware.

Windows 10 IoT

Of course Elements also supports creating native Windows prpjects using the Win32 API and Windows 10 SDKs – which includes support for custom Windows hardware and devices running Windows IoT.


While Android is mostly thought of as a mobile OS, it is gaining more and more of a foothold in the embedded world as well. Elements supports Android development both using the Java-based Android SDK as well as the lower-level Android NDK that gives you direct C-level access to hardware, memory and the underlying Linux APIs – essentially bringing you the best of both worlds with regard to Android development, and with the same set of tools and languages.

Compact Framework

Although officially deprecated by Microsoft, Elements also supports building against the [.NET](/elements/platforms/net] Compact Framework for deployment on older embedded devices running variants of Windows CE.

Develop on Windows or Mac

Elements also comes with its own lightweight yet powerful IDEs, Water (for Windows) and Fire (for Mac). Fire and Water are very similar, following the same basic design philosophy, while still fitting in natively on Mac and Windows, respectively. On Windows, you can also choose to work in Visual Studio.

With all three IDEs, you can develop and test your embedded applications right on device (and where feasible, locally), no matter which of the above technologies you choose, on Mac or Windows.

All Languages

Remember, with Elements you can use (and mix!) any of the six languages understood by the compiler in your .NET Projects: Oxygene (Object Pascal), C#, Swift, Java, Go and Mercury.

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