Pricing | RemObjects Software
Languages Platforms IDEs | Download Pricing |

Developer Licenses

The full Elements 12 package, with the Oxygene, Mercury, C#, Java, Go and Swift languages and support for all platforms, and both IDEs is available for only $999 per new developer.

The purchase provides a license for one year, including our best-in-industry technical support and access to weekly builds with new features, enhancements, and fixes. Renewal is available for $749/year.

Volume discounts will automatically be applied when ordering two licenses or more, and a site license is available that will cover all developers on your team.

(See Academic Pricing for Students, Teachers and Schools, below).

Developer License
Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Create apps for all platforms.
Get support & weekly new builds.
License is per named developer.
$999 Buy
Company or Site License
Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Get priority support and access to daily builds.
License covers all developers on your team.
Developer License
Buy Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
License is per named developer.
Company/Site License
Request Get priority support
& access to daily firehose builds.
License covers all devs on your team.


Single Languages

Interested in a single language only? Our single-language license lets you use the one language of your choice, for all the platforms supported by Elements.

Object Pascal
Our Oxygene (Pascal) language, all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
$749 Buy
RemObjects C#
The C# language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
$749 Buy
Visual Basic.NET™ Language
The Mercury (VB) language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
$749 Buy
Java Language
The Java language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
$749 Buy
Go Language
The Go language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
Included in the full Elements package
Swift Language
The Swift language, for all platforms.
Get support and regular builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
Included in the full Elements package
Object Pascal
Buy Our Oxygene (Pascal) language, all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
RemObjects C#
Buy The C# language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
Visual Basic.NET™
Buy The Mercury (VB) language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.
RemObjects Iodine
Buy The Java language, for all platforms.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
Includes Fire, Water & support for Visual Studio.


Academic Pricing

Academic licenses for Elements are available for students, teachers, professors or academic researchers.

There are no technical limitations or restrictions on the academic license, you receive the exact same product as you do with the regular purchase. However, you may use the academic license solely for academic purposes: learning programming, teaching programming, or building personal projects related to your academic endeavors.

Academic License
Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Get support & weekly new builds.
License is per named student, teacher or researcher.
$199 Buy
Class License
Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
License covers all users in your class or school.
Academic License
Buy Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
License is per named student, teacher or researcher.
Class License
Request License covers all users in your class,
school, team, or institute.


Personal License

Personal licenses for Elements are available for private, non-commercial use.

Just as with the academic license, there are no technical limitations or restrictions on the academic license, you receive the exact same product as you do with the regular purchase. However, you may use the personal license solely for private use such as learning programming or personal projects or hobby projects.

Personal License
Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Java, Go or Swift.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
License is per named user, personal use only.
$199 Buy
Personal License
Buy Use Oxygene, C#, Mercury, Swift, Java or Go.
Get support and weekly updated builds.
License is per named user, personal use only.